Located in Lackawaxen, Pennsylvania

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Ski Big Bear at Masthope Mountain

Adding Party Members (Children Under 18) To Your Account

A step-by-step guide for customers on how to add "Party Members"- (only those children 17 and younger) to a parent/guardian's account, so the parent/guardian can make purchases and sign all applicable waivers on the minor's behalf.

The following guide is specifically for existing customers who need to add or re-add a "Party Member" - (a child 17 and under only) as an affiliate to their parent/guardian account. 

Please note: in some circumstances, "Party Members'" may disappear from an account due to system updates, technical issues, or account inactivity. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience.

Parents / Guardians: Log in to your Ski Big Bear Account at shop.ski-bigbear.com/login

Once you are logged in, navigate to "My Account" in the top menu, then select "Add Party Member" (shown below.)


If you do not see the child as a listed affiliate already, you can re-add them by selecting "Add New." The screen (shown below) will then display. Enter the webcode found on the child's pass or ticket, then select the "search" icon. 

The webcode is a series of letters, numbers or both. If you do not have the child's pass with you:

Masthope Property Owners: Please email accesscontrol@masthope.org and the Property Owners Office will send you the child's webcode.

Ski Big Bear Customers: Please email bigbear@ski-bigbear.com and we will send you the child's webcode.


The following screen will appear (shown below.) Confirm that the child's information is accurate, then select their relationship to you (child or dependent.) Select "Continue" to finish.


The child / dependent should now appear under "Party Members" within your account. You can now successfully make purchases or sign waivers within the online store on their behalf. 

For instructions on how to sign waivers for Season Rentals, Tubing, Masthope Property Owner Ski Privileges, etc. please visit ski-bigbear.com/waivers.